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Wright County GOP Meetings

We will try to relay important topics and issues that come up during the Wright County GOP meetings at the Buffalo American Legion on HWY 55 - 304 10th Ave S - the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30PM

News, topics, issues and information from the Wright Co GOP

This is the plan for making over the former Wright County Government Center next to downtown Buffalo. Hint: lots of apartments


Minnesota Election Integrity

Minnesota Election Integrity Solutions (MNEIS) is a nonpartisan, 501 (c)3 organization focusing primarily on election integrity, research, voter education, and advocacy. We seek to increase voter participation and raise public awareness of important issues related to a transparent, free, and fair election process.

These are the current Wright County Commissioners if you have any questions or concerns about the upcoming elections

District 1:

Christine Husom  763-682-7697

City of Buffalo Precincts 1, 2, 3, and 4, Buffalo Township, Albion Township, City of Annandale, Chatham Township, City of South Haven, Corrina Township, Southside Township


District 2: 

Derek Vetsch 763-682-7687

City of Clearwater, Clearwater Township, City of Monticello, Monticello Township, Silver Creek Township, City of Maple Lake, Maple Lake Township precincts 1A and 1B


District 3:  Mark Daleiden 763-682-7686

City of Otsego precincts 1A, 2A, and 3 City of Dayton City of St. Michael Precinct 1B


District 4:  Mary Wetter  763-682-7696

City of Albertville, City of Rockford, Rockford Township, City of Hanover Precincts 2 and 3, City of St. Michael Precinct 1A


District 5:  Mike Kaczmarek 763-682-7685            

City of Cokato, City of Delano, City of Howard Lake, City of Montrose, City of Waverly, Cokato Township, Franklin Township, French Lake Township, Marysville Township, Middleville Township, Stockholm Township, Victor Township, Woodland Township

Testing the Voting Machines

The testing will only be done at the Wright County Government Center at 9:00 a.m., this Monday, August 1st. Please plan to attend, invite others to attend especially people with Internet Technology or computer experience. Come with your questions and concerns! Public Accuracy Test of Voting Equipment Monday BY TIM MATTHEWS JULY 29, 2022


Officials with Wright County remind voters that the Public Accuracy Test of the DS450 central count, DS200 ballot tabulator and the OmniBallot assistive voting device for absentee and mail ballot precincts, to be used for the upcoming primary elections will be tested on Monday. The test is scheduled to begin Monday at 9 AM in Conference Room 1103 at the Wright County Government Center in Buffalo. The Public Accuracy Test is open to the public. Individual communities will also be conducting similar tests prior to the primary, and residents are encouraged to check with their voting locations for information on those tests. The Statewide Primary Election in Minnesota will be held Tuesday, August 9th.

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